About Robert P Crease
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 1987+
Chair, Department of Philosophy
Stony Brook University, 2006-2012, 2017-2023
Author, 12 authored or co-authored books
9 edited or translated books, 250+ articles, editorials, reviews
Columnist, Physics World, since 2000, 275+ columns
Co-Editor in Chief, Physics in Perspective, 2014-2021
Editorials, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsday
Contributor, The New York Times, Nature, El Mundo, American Scientist Encyclopedia of Modernist Dance, Macmillan Reference Encyclopedia Discoveries in Modern Science, Physics Today, Encyclopedia of Energy, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics, Encyclopedia of New York State, The Cambridge Companion to Jazz, The Oxford Companion to Jazz, Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook of Science and the Future. American National Biography, Encyclopedia of American Biography.